In a work of art the term form refers to the arrangement of its elements and the manipulation of the physical properties of those elements. Thus organization, arrangement, and manipulation of material give the work its subsequent quality. Form has more to do with the total appearance than the work’s subject matter or the artist’s style (including a great “likeness” of something from nature).
For beginning artists, formal problems are usually solved intuitively or intellectually. Most of the time, the work is attacked objectively, systematically exposing the hidden problems and cataloging possible solutions.
With this kind of experience in pictorial problem solving, the artist ultimately develops the ability to arrive instinctively at solutions previously found largely through calculation. This exercise will provide a taste of this kind of experience.
The following problem uses the element line to study the changes in form produced by varying its physical properties. (Fig. 2.1A) The image will be repeated in each cell with directions coming from the outside left or above the column.
Drawing materials: pencil, ink, crayon, construction paper, and rubber cement.
Beginning on the left of the chart, in each of the sections in the harmony column, draw a linear composition (figurative or nonobjective–simple or complex). Have at least three or four lines.
Repeat this design in the next column (Variety), changing it only as the principles at top and far left prescribe. Continue this process across the page from left to right with each of the registers. Note that changes in property alter the personality (meaning or content) of the design by affecting such principles as balance, rhythm, relative dominance, movement, and space.
For a variation of this problem you could use a large drawing which covers the entire page. For some, this might be easier than repeating the same drawing in each cell. Follow the instructions for each section of the drawing.